Object Oriented C Pdf

Book Description. Object-Oriented Programming in C, 4th edtion, begins with the basic principles of the C programming language and systematically introduces increasingly advanced topics while illustrating the OOP methodology.

  1. Object-oriented Programming C++ Pdf
  2. Object Oriented Programming Tutorial Pdf
  3. C++ Object Oriented Programming Tutorial

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Object-Oriented Programming through C++ Notes- CSE II Sem

  • Classes and objects (I) Class- user defined data type.Fundamental packaging unit of OOP technology Class declaration is similar to struct declaration Keyword ‘class’ followed by class name. Object is an instance of class Object combines data and functions Object is created as a variable of class type using class name Members of class.
  • Object-oriented C is a common question topic online The reasons for using C in an Object-Oriented method can range from preference to necessity Embedded developers who are restricted to C many desire to use object-oriented design methodologies To get a picture of why people might choose OO-C.

The object-oriented Programming course is designed to provide a comprehensive study of the C programming language. It stresses the strengths of C, which provide students with the means of writing efficient, maintainable and portable code. The nature of C language is emphasized in a wide variety of examples and applications. To learn and acquire the art of computer programming. To know about some popular programming languages and how to choose a Programming language for solving a problem.

Object-oriented Programming C++ Pdf

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Object-Oriented Programming Lecture Notes
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Object-Oriented Programming Ebook Pdf
Object-Oriented Programming Question Paper
Object-Oriented Programming Through C++ PPT

List of Reference Books for Object-Oriented Programming – 2nd Sem (CSE)

  • Programming in C++, Ashok N Kamthane, Pearson 2nd Edition.
  • Object-Oriented Programming C++, Joyce Farrell, Cengage.
  • The Complete Reference C++, 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt, TMH.
  • C Programming, a Problem Solving Approach, Forouzan, Gilberg, Prasad, CENGAGE
  • Programming with C, Bichkar, Universities Press
  • Programming in C, ReemaThareja, OXFORD
  • C by Example, Noel Kalicharan, Cambridge

Object-Oriented Programming Syllabus- 1st Year (CSE)

UNIT-I: Introduction to C++

Difference between C and C++- Evolution of C++- The Object-Oriented Technology- Disadvantage of Conventional Programming- Key Concepts of Object-Oriented Programming Advantage of OOP- Object Oriented Language.

Object Oriented Programming Tutorial Pdf

UNIT-II: Classes and Objects &Constructors and Destructor

Classes in C++-Declaring Objects- Access Specifiers and their Scope- Defining Member Function-Overloading Member Function- Nested class, Constructors and Destructors, Introduction- Constructors and Destructor- Characteristics of Constructor and Destructor- Application with Constructor- Constructor with Arguments (parameterized Constructor-Destructors- Anonymous Objects.

UNIT-III: Operator Overloading and Type Conversion & Inheritance
Object oriented programming c++ pdf

The Keyword Operator- Overloading Unary Operator- Operator Return Type- Overloading Assignment Operator (=)- Rules for Overloading Operators, Inheritance, Reusability- Types of
Inheritance- Virtual Base Classes- Object as a Class Member- Abstract Classes- Advantages of Inheritance-Disadvantages of Inheritance,

UNIT-IV: Pointers & Binding Polymorphisms and Virtual Functions

Pointer, Features of Pointers- Pointer Declaration- Pointer to Class- Pointer Object- The this Pointer- Pointer to Derived Classes and Base Class, Binding Polymorphisms and Virtual Functions, Introduction- Binding in C++- Virtual Functions- Rules for Virtual Function- Virtual Destructor.

UNIT-V: Generic Programming with Templates & Exception Handling

Generic Programming with Templates, Need for Templates- Definition of class Templates- Normal Function Templates- Over Loading of Template Function-Bubble Sort Using Function Templates- Difference Between Templates and Macros- Linked Lists with Templates, Exception Handling- Principles of Exception Handling- The Keywords try to throw and catch- Multiple Catch
Statements –Specifying Exceptions.

UNIT-VI: Overview of Standard Template Library

Overview of Standard Template Library- STL Programming Model- Containers- Sequence Containers- Associative Containers- Algorithms- Iterators- Vectors- Lists- Maps.

• Understand the basic terminology used in computer programming
• Write, compile and debug programs in C language. Use different data types in a computer
• Design programs involving decision structures, loops, and functions.
• Explain the difference between call by value and call by reference

Object-Oriented Programming Through C++ Review Questions

  • Explain the principles of Object Oriented Programming.
  • What are the drawbacks of monolithic, procedural and structural programming languages?
  • How to define a class in C++? How to declare objects for the class? Give an example.
  • Write a program for calculating the total marks and Grade of the 60 students in a class.
  • What is polymorphism? How is it achieved at compile time and runtime? Explain both with the help of an example.
  • Write C++ Program to overload + operator to add two matrices.
  • Write a C++ program to overload a unary operator in complex numbers by using a friend function.
  • Discuss in detail about virtual destructors. (7M)
  • Write and explain the procedure to catch multiple exceptions thrown from a single try block.
  • What is generic programming? Explain in detail about function templates.
  • Explain the components of the Standard Template Library (STL).
  • Write a C++ program that erases all elements in a list using iterators.

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C++ Object Oriented Programming Tutorial

Sale Object-Oriented Programming with C++, 1e
  • A.K.Sharma
  • Pearson Education India
  • Edition no. 1 (01/01/1970)
  • Paperback: 352 pages
Sale Object Oriented Programming with C++
  • Oxford University Press
  • Sourav Sahay
  • Oxford University Press
  • Edition no. Second (09/03/2012)
  • Paperback: 512 pages
Object Oriented Programming with C++ (Old Edition)
  • Product Condition: No Defects
  • Balagurusamy
  • McGraw Hill Education
  • Edition no. Sixth (06/01/2013)
  • Paperback: 584 pages
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  • Lafore
  • Pearson Education India
  • Edition no. 4 (01/01/1970)
  • Paperback: 1040 pages
Sale Object Oriented Programming with C++
  • Reema Thareja
  • Oxford University Press
  • Edition no. First (08/05/2015)
  • Paperback: 800 pages
Sale Object-Oriented Programming with C++
  • E Balagurusamy
  • McGraw Hill Education
  • Edition no. Seventh (09/20/2017)
  • Paperback: 576 pages

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